Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur

auditors secretaries
3 min readApr 21, 2021


Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur

Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur

Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur Form ITR-1 (also referred to as SAHAJ popularly) has to be filed by individuals who have an income of not more than INR 50 lakhs from the following sources in a financial year:Central Government Contribution or Employer Contribution to Pension account as mentioned in Section 80CCD of the Income Tax Act, 1961.One House Property (does not include those cases in which income has been brough forward from previous years):

Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur

Individuals who have their Income for the Financial Year through Salary or Pension, more than House Property, Income from Capital Gains, Income from foreign assets/Income, Income from business or profession as a partner (not proprietor) and other sources including lottery, racehorses, legal gambling are eligible to file their IT Return using ITR-2. Individuals who are not eligible to file using ITR-1, because of their income exceeding ₹ 50 Lakhs, also need to file using ITR-2

DUE DATE FOR FILLING ITR FORM ITR-2 form must be filed by individuals and HUFs on or before 31st July of every year.Every Indian Resident with any source of income is required to pay tax to the government in the form of Income Tax. The government imposes tax on every entity such as individuals, HUFs, Companies, LLPs, Association of Person, Body of Individuals, and any artificial judicial person. Income Tax Return is the form filed to furnish the information to the government about Income incurred along with tax liability. The form filed would vary depending upon the type of entity filing the return

Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur

Every Company irrespective of its structure registered under the Companies Act 2013 or earlier under the Companies Act, 1956, shall file Income Tax Return through form ITR-6. However, those companies whose income is from the charitable or religious organization are not required to file Form ITR-6 (exempt under Section 11).The taxpayer liable to file Form ITR-6 must obtain an audit report under Section 44-AB. As per section 44-AB, an entity whose sales, turnover, or gross receipt exceed INR 1 Crore in the preceding financial year must compulsorily get its accounts audited from a Chartered Accountant.

Income Tax Notice Resolution
Income tax department provide notice for Various Reason like not filing income tax return, defect in filing of tax return or other instances

Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur

On receiving an income tax notice, there is no reason to be alarmed or frightened. However, the taxpayer must take steps to understand the nature of notice, the request or order in the notice and take steps to comply.This is one of the most commonly received income tax notice. The income tax department sends this notice seeking a response to the errors/ incorrect claims/ inconsistencies in an income tax return that was filed. If you want to revise the return after receiving this notice, it must be done within 15 days. Else, the tax return will be processed after making necessary adjustments mentioned in the 143(1) tax notic

Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur

Notice U/S 139(1) — Defective Return
An income tax notice under Section 139(1) would be issued if the income tax return filed does not contain all necessary information or incorrect information. If tax notice under Section 139(1) is issued, you should rectify the defect in the return within 15 days.Notice U/S 143(2) — Scrutiny
An income tax notice under Section 143(2) is issued if the tax officer was not satisfied with the documents and information that was submitted by the taxpayer.

Auditors And Secretaries In Selaiyur

Taxpayers who receive notice under Section 142(2) have been selected for a detailed scrutiny by the Income Tax department and will have to submit additional information.Notice U/S 156 — Demand Notice
This type of income tax notice is issued by the Income Tax Department when any tax, interest, fine or any other sum is owed by the taxpayer. All demand tax notice will stipulate the sum which is outstanding and due from the taxpayer.



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